Deep space voyage

Deep space voyage

NEWS\Deep space voyage

This vessel is a new approach of space passive design, it is a self-sustaining and self-
sufficient environment housing numerous creatures within its walls, designed to stay in
deep space and to land on a new soil of Mars.
It will utilize Solar sails (also called light sails or photon sails) using radiation pressure
exerted by sunlight on large reflective surfaces. In addition to the solar sails the vessel
will be equipped with a nuclear reactor at its tail to move and operate the whole vessel.
It will also have recycling strategies for water reuse.
Mars Landing
Once the Vessel had landed on Mars, The laser guided drill robots at the bottom of the
vessel will start operating to open pathways to new underground colonies developed of
the biomimicry of the ants colonies to be the residential shelters of the new residents
It will inject those pockets with pneumatic residential units filed with oxygen.
The end target is to create an interconnected underground pneumatic residential units
that are structured in a hierarchal way on levels.