ARCHITECTURE firm SAOTA, have completed a new and modern
family home that’s set in a north-facingcove in Sydney, Australia’sharbour.
The site bordersarecreationalpark and a public pierwhichjuts out into the
bay. This elementforms one axis for the site whilstapristinebeach , directly in
front of the site, formsanother..
FROM the principleparkelevationthat the new building appears as a
collection of planes; a play on space , privacy , and threshold . Graphite
greysailscreens (made from ” Kaynemaile ,” a polycarbonate
chainmaildeveloped in New Zealand for The Lord of the Rings movies ) are
riggedjust off the house provid- road.
TIMBER cladding . plastered mass walls , a wood-cladsoffit and the
exaggeratedcill of a baywindowpunchedthrough the sailscreens , are
layeredintofurther planes. This gamecreatesdepth in an
otherwiselinearfagade and providesprivacywhilstmaximizing light and views
to the park.
SET intothisfagade the stairwellisfullyglazed but wrappedprotectively in
acloak of timberlouvers . This gentlycurvedoutlinecontrastswith the
surroundingcrystalline box and mediatesbetween the formal entrance and
ENTRY is at 90 degrees to the Bay , off the park . A ramp , edged by water,
slopesgently up to the front door ; the littleriseadding to the sense of arrival .
Here the 11U” shaped plan of the house becomesclear ; the entrance is a
linkbetweentwowings , separated by an internalgardenwhich , like an
internalharbor , allowsviewsthrough the spaces to the baybeyond . Seenfrom
the courtyard a massive blankwall of the upper story seems to weigh on the
glazedlevity of the groundfloor , amplifying the bayviewbeneathit.