Dr Ahmed Baraket 1من اصل2

Dr Ahmed Baraket 1من اصل2

NEWS\Dr Ahmed Baraket1من اصل2

This research takes how to design 3 D sculpting upon physics theory of
aerodynamic, and applied mathematics on the natural numbers with
transferring the sculpture to conducted surface to add new dimension to the
sculpting forms affected by fictions.
The theory of aerodynamic is a physical theory that is responsible on apply
the 3D mass to finally apply on the industry fields, but in the field of research
it’s applied on the lower sculpture to reach the streamlined shape.
There was the mathematical theory that talks about the mathematical
equation that produced out of streamlined move and the deferent curves of
the creature of Allah Subhanh the theory analyses many of nature elements
with streamlined values with all the nature elements.
When talking about transferring the surface to conducted surface, we
should hint that there is difference between interactive and conduct, the
word interactive for interaction between man and smart boards but,
conduct for perception actions that back to the man feelings like touch, see
and so on, touching water is not interaction with smart boards. We feel
dissatisfy but in another place we can feel satisfaction as meeting people.
There is a positive energy gives us relief and negative energy gives us
dissatisfac tion , and we can not exist anymore, everybody has his own
spectrum or halo, that make us attract to someone if he is positive or go a
way if he is negative.
Hence the idea of the search has come true to-shaping 3D sculpting that make
relief to who see it the positive energy out of streamlined lines that link
imagination to the nature, at the same time the work radiates energy
balanced with the energy of the watcher
