Dr. Angel Escudero is Spanish and has spent most of his career in Valencia.
Is a physician and surgeon. Creator of a humanistic school, within medicine, which he called
NOESITHERAPY or healing by thinking.
Since 1972 he makes his surgical work under psychological analgesia, and this experience has been transferred to
the Maternity and all medical specialties with excellent results.
Since 1975 he has shared his experience with many thousands of medical professionals,
and also runs courses and seminars (in person or by video conference anywhere in the world),
for health personnel, naturopaths, pregnant women and anyone who wants
to know and learn the bases of NOESIOLOGY and NOESITHERAPY to apply to all aspects
of life.
The best TVs have disseminated NOESITHERAPY throughout the world.
His biography was included in the Biographical Dictionary of the History of Spain,
published by the Royal Academy of History, published in June 2011.
Data editing: VV. AA., Spanish Biographical Dictionary,
vol. XVII, Madrid, Royal Academy of History, 2011, p. 595-597.
” Our Natural capabilities, when known
and used correctly will permit
human beings to improve the quality
of their lives in an
endless way.”
(Dr. Escudero)