Concept initlation
The architectural curves of the built form were modelled on the rhetorical analogy of
golden sand dunes. The dancing dunes flow like undulating sand waves over the vast
desert. Its linear, crescentic , parabouc, and circular motion shapes blends harmoniously
with the desert landscape of cairo, Egypt soft, endless, and rhythmic its eloquent form
creates a melodious sequence of folds on ms surface, contouring the bare nature.
Concept development
Three series of intersecting dunes rese   su  btly from the desert, creating its symbolic
reference to its surrounding. The mirage of curves creates a depih or dune pattern,
further enhanced by a   rsing wave-like shell tower from the series of dune sculpture. As
a whole, the metaphorical approach or the sand dune concept blurs the rigid line
between urban and architecture, as it unfolds to its environment, where architecture
makes a statement while blending into its nature   Planning / land use   Phase
The site was cut into 3 significant nodal waves to create the three different phases for
the three different campuses. Running vertically along the site, the grid can be expanded
along the same wave patterns for future development
Vehicular and pedestrian networks frame the spatial zoning of the phases underground
landscape features and parking facilities are created in between the spaces of 3 phases
Road network system
Primary network
The primary vehcular   network, horizontally cuts across the three phases, further
creating three smaller zones. These roures run vertically along the 3 phases. Similarly,
potential master planning can be continued from the existing network system.
