Egypt chosen to welcome Microsoft’s Windows 8
Microsoft launched its latest 0perat- features closer to the Egyptian minding System
Windows 8 in Egypt last set and simultaneously, worked on week, in attendance of
Microsoft’s supporting the local tourism-sector. Corporate Vice President Ali
Faramawy. The ” trevamped” Windows 8 offers a new, more efficient user interface
Egypt was chosen as one of the 19 and a refurbished Start screen based countries that
would welcome Win- on Live Tiles, a touch-friendly Intercoms B with a boom,
Microsoft net Explorer r0, and built-in cloud worked on bringing windows B’s new
abilities with SkyDrive that allow the user to easily share images and documents.
Additionally, this product marks the launch of Windows Store, the parallel substitute
for Google Play and Apple’s App Store. After being launched worldwide at the end of
0ctober 2AL2, already 4 million operating systems were sold.