EHAF من اصل6 5

EHAF من اصل6 5

NEWS\EHAF5من اصل6

The Egyptians should know that the projects announced during the
Conference have been previously. studied, whether initially or finally, and
were waiting for funding. There are a number of projects, offered during
the Conference planned and designed by us. Such projects include
transportation, railways, roads and sewerage fields.
Q: What is the ranking of EHAF as a consultant office in Egypt and
A: According to “Enr”; the largest world magazine for ranking consultant
offices, we were ranked in the 175th place worldwide in 2009. while we
occupied the 106th place worldwide in 2014. In Egypt and the Middle
East, we are ranked in the 3rd position. The most important fact is that we
are always on growing curve and our progress is on. As for our ranking in
terms of industrial projects, hotels or public buildings, we are placed No.
16th worldwide in the field of project management and No. 10 in the
design of commercial malls. Nevertheless, we are not satisfied with such
positions and seek to achieve more progress and development year by year.
Q: What is your vision regarding architecture in Egypt and how can we
seek the help of experienced people and firms in the field of consulting
engineering in order to avoid the present mistakes?
A: Egyptian Architecture is controlled by a single goal; how to make the
highest rate of profits. For example, if the private sector wants to construct
a building, then it will seek to get the highest rate of profits from this
building at the expense of quality. This is a ridiculous tendency in Egypt
which tries to strike the balance between beauty, accepted architectural
shape and profits. The conditions of Egyptian.