EHAF 1من اصل6

EHAF 1من اصل6

NEWS\EHAF1من اصل6

Hussein Abbas
EHAF founder and chairman
Partaking in constructing GEM will go down in history
Officials responsible for architectural projects should strike the right balance
between beauty and profit.
We want Egyptian people to move outside cities and live near Egyptian
Despite several enticements offered to Dr. Hussein Abbas , Professor at
Engineering Faculty, al- Azhar University, to work and stay in France,
where he travelled after graduation in 1965, he has decided to come back
to Egypt to settle down and establish EHAF Con- suiting Engineers Office
and think-tank and chair its Board. EHAF was the first office to start
working in Metro Project in 1973, in addition to building and modernizing
landline telephone networks and other special, excellent and great projects
in Egypt and Arab world. Such achievements make EHAF occupy the third
place among its competitors in Egypt and the Middle East. In light of this
great journey of success, ambition, enthusiasm and patriotism, FUZED has
an interview with Prof. Abbas, which runs to the following effects:
Q: Could you provide us with information and shed light on EHAF in terms
of its establishment and development?
A: After I had graduated from Engineering Faculty, I traveled to France in
1965 to have my master’s degree, which I received in 1971, and then I
came back to Egypt. My return to Egypt coincided with the return of late
Prof. Ezz   Eldin   Fahmy , an exchange student at that point who travelled to
France to have his master’s degree. Fahmy was a civil engineer, while I was
an architect, and thus our desires and thoughts banded together for
establishing an integrated engineering office that covers all engineering
specialities “architectural, construction or civil ones”.