Flying carpet: When the roof is lifted flat above the market plaza it becomes a platform
which offers perfect viewing point of the city. There citi zens can enjoy the tranquil
beauty of the view on top of the eastern market sprawling with life. Khaima: By moving
the pixel-boxes the roof can be turned into Khaima – traditional Moroccan tentused for
Aid after Ramadam. Resemblance with carpet will add more sacredness to the place.
Dome: The roof carpet fabric shaped into a dome creates a space with a very high
ceiling thus enabling major city events to be carried out.
Tribune: With pixel-boxes lined up as a tribune, the plaza can be used as an open-air
cinema or theatre with the extended fagade of the build ing used for projections
Arcades:The roof can be easily transformed into one of the most iconic eastern market
shapes by keeping its urban fabric – arcade. It will en force the irresistible charm of
Folie’s landscape: Depending on the desires and needs of the citizens, the plaza can be
trans formed into almost any unimaginable shape and form. “Your wish – is my shape”
like in the best traditions of eastern fairy tales, it can turn either in a playground for
kids or a meeting place for debates, offering cover from sun, rain or street noise.
Crazy Market: With the movable roof structure most unexpected and crazy visions of
the mar ket place can be realized- nothing is impossible. Depending on the seasonal
goods being sold, specific market days, traditional holidays- the market place can be
accordingly redesigned. Let the imagination of citizens reign. Interconnected storage
pixel-boxes colored in traditional shades of Arabic carpet on top and transparent on the
sides constitute the roof fabric.