foliphos injection
foliphos injection


Composition: Butafosfan Cyanocobalamin Folic acid

Indications: indicated in cattle, sheep, horses and dogs: For the use as a supplemental source of nutritional phosphorus in areas where feeding rations are inadequate to supply all phosphorous needs.

Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia.

Dosage: A single injection administer by intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous route. Therapeutic: ln Acutely diseased animals: Small Dogs: 0.5 ml to 2 mILarge Dogs & Sheep: 0.5 ml to 5 ml.Cattle & Horses:

20 ml. Repeat daily if required.In chronic diseased animals: Half the above dose at intervals for 1 – 2 weeks or less.

Prophylactic: Half the previous dose. Volumes of more than 20 ml should be split and given at several intravenous, intramuscular sites or given subcutaneously. Packaging: 25, 30, 50 & 100 ml glass vials

Producer / Agent: Adwia