1- Heirarchy :
The nature of the site served the idea of growth and evolution, the
topography was manipulated in the design of the masses, stairs, and
landscape work.
2- identity :
Giving the project a character through several elements such as entrances,
towers, proportions and scientific signs.  
3- Fences and buildings (solides and voids rule):
The relation between solids and voids in buildings and fences is
inversly   proportional, each solid wall of a building is faced by a transparent
fence and viceversa .
The project included several elements as a part of the passive design such
as atriums, shaded corridors that helps coling down the air in the building
and providing a suitable amount of sunlight. Also the in between buildings
voids help the air movement and provide shades on the elevations.
Resessed openings increase the amount of shades on the facades.
FINISHING: Using local materials was put ito consideration, like local
ceramics, stone and marble.  
Color scheme was inspired from earth colors.
finishes such as painted walls, stone cladding and metal members.
boys and girls, the red chairs are for girls and the green ones are for boys.
tionary process where the starting point is the KG till it reaches it’s end at
the high school. However, this hierarchy is not only respected on the level
of buildings of distribution but also it’s respect on the level of the areas of
classes in the different schools, heights, playgrounds and even openings.
The morphological concept: Applying an order that meets the demands of
creativity, growth and flexibility Project phases: The project was
constructed through 3 phases: the first phase included the adminstration
building and the preschool and was constructed in 2003 , the second was
the elementary and was constructed in 2005, and the final was the
secondary school which was constructed in 2008.