gloria ceramic

gloria ceramic

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Gloria is a major brand for a giant industrial entity occupying a very advanced position
in the field of ceramic industry in Egypt during this year. In the eighth year of The
International Ceramic and Sanitary Ware Exhibition (ICS), the Company has launched
its one of the kind complete line that is called “Al Zaman Al Gomil” as port of
2017collecti on. The uniqueness of this line comes from the fact that Gloria is the
first company in Egypt and the region to feature Pop Art on a ceramic tile especially in
a modernized way.
by: Ali Dagher
Photography: Amer Abd Rabu
Additionally, Gloria’s sister company, the Ceramic’s, Sanitary ware’s and its
accessories’ showroom has been relaunched with a new brand name “Mozdan” as well as
a different look having the objective of providing an international standard services in
the field of imported and domestic Ceramic and Sanitary ware showroom that is
especially catered for the Egyptian end consumers’ needs.
Gloria’s launches are news of great significance, which made us conduct an expanded
press interview among the events of the exhibition, with Engineer Gaby Michel,
Gloria’s Chief Operating Officer, to talk about Gloria Ceramic’s new launches and the
relaunch of “Mozdan” as well as the future and the difficulties faced in the ceramic
industry in Egypt.
Would you please give us a glimpse about Gloria Ceramic?
Gloria Ceramic was founded in 2009 in Egypt with an objective of leading the
ceramics industry in the region, and transforming it to be led by trendsetting design and
superior quality.
With over 30 years of experience in this sector through our Ceramics’ trading
experience, Gloria established a reputation of reliability, consistency, and unshakable