HARMONY 2من اصل2
Ayoubi;Mumluk and Turkish. They don’t form a discord due to unity of
architectural energy. The opposite result is achieved rith one poor modern
building next to Wekalet 1 – Ghoury.
PROF Professor of the Dep Architect Islamic gothic balconies and terraces
existing with ens of designs complement each other in Barcelona resulting in
a city of great beauty and variety. Balcony balustracting window frames,
chimneys, balcony brackets, statues, and stairs, all f different materials and
styles, will have the same rtistic satisfaction if they appear to have
consumed lot of architectural energy. Modern aluminum balconies, with
poor detailing is out of place in a historic district executed with rich
materials fitting historical cityscapes. 4 FUZED APRIL 2015
Explosive Ideas