Highness life and dea th One Wonders 1من اصل2

Highness life and dea th One Wonders 1من اصل2

OUR NEWS\Highness life and death One Wonders1من اصل2

Testimonials about Mito
Highness life and death One wonders
My initial idea of this grief file was that to investigate views of all loved or be
close by “Mito”, as I thought for some time to talk about Ahmed as a distinct
architect- for me he may be reached to be representative of intellectual school in
architecture, just as actually done by Hassan Fathy , Rasim   Badran and
GamalBakri – but I for a moment stopped working for such a plan, as I would in
short found that we are talking about “Mito”, the man as he is seen by others
around him in his small family community, loved ones, and disciples on
throughout Egypt, not only within Department of Architecture halls in Faculty of
Engineering, Ain Shams University – as Mito has simply turned into a clear
architectural phenomenon nearing to mature, or almost; so it makes no sense at all
to talk here about unique architect while the position is to talk about the human
who really affected us, however, his sudden farewell made us bloodiest – although
he is with that sudden farewell as if to be resides forever within us and to live
where farewell difficult; it always generates a permanent desolation and nostalgia
for a man among us that we believe that to complete his trip.
Flere and precisely in this file, we chose to supply a lot of words that were
expressed by their owners for their gratitude to this man at the moment of hearing
about his tragic and sudden death on the fourteenth of last August-this moment, in
my opinion, is the sincerest of people’s feelings towards those have lost; words of
first shock which were said without slowness, consideration, retouch, or
beautification, such words
