Highness life and dea th One Wonders 2من اصل2

Highness life and dea th One Wonders 2من اصل2

OUR NEWS\Highness life and death One Wonders2من اصل2

tha being said while minds distraught and tears filling eyes on the left. l preferredt
to record these moments forever, and in words of their owners – short sentences
and possibly unordered but honest to a degree that hurt me personally in the same
feeling when I knew the news of sudden death of Ahmad – here are some
sporadic, mostly from people who do not know or close to Mito as all of them
may not know each other and the only common thing among them is their love
for this genius man in everything either scientifically or morally.
Flere are students, architects, friends and people who were not met by Ahmad in
his life or may be met them but not knew for the moment to what extent he might
affect them; of course they also did not know to what extent they will be affected
by Mito’s words and his treatments in Architecture and Urbanization in their
future directions and then we may generate more than one Mito or realize his
architectur al impressions concreted in more than one place on homeland.
To make this man present among us and concealed behind millions of his
finger prints left at thousands offanswho believed in his thought about architecture
and urbanization philosophy of this country.
Finally, it was not intent never to write an obituary or painful lament for Mito to
this extent but now in a moment charged with sadness of thousands of words that
I read and heard from him and about him to be lines made me tearing while I
read it.
