humanoid robot nimb Ro-0P plays soccer

humanoid robot nimb Ro-0P plays soccer

INTERNATIONAL NEWS\humanoid robot nimb Ro

Product Specifications: heightr 95cm
weight: 6.5kg
actuators: 20 networked
actuators (robotis dynamited)
6 per leg (MX-105)
3 per arm (MX-64)
2 in the neck (MX-64)
Sensors: inertial sensors (in robotics C M-730 controller)
Developed by scientists at the university of Bonn, ‘nimbRo-0P’ is an open source
humanoid robot capable of playing soccer. created using a Linux based software which
supports ball perception, walking, clicking, and getting-up motions, ‘nimbRo-0P’ is
powered by a dual core PC that runs on two 1.65GHz processors, 2G B RAM and 64G
B SSD. weighing approximately 6.6k9, the humanoid stands at a height of 95cm.
integrated with wi-fi, USB 3.0 connectivity, H DMI capability, gigabit Ethernet and a
memory card slot, a lithium polymer battery supplies its power. For vision, the
‘nimbRo-OP’ sees the world from a wide-angle camera, a three-axis gyro and three-axis