Innercrete Membrane Revolutionary Technology 2 From 4

Innercrete Membrane Revolutionary Technology 2 From 4

Innercrete Membrane Revolutionary Technology 2 From 4
  1. Densities:

Create a chemical reaction within the concrete to plug the small voids Can be permanent or semi-permanent Create inconsistent results because they rely on certain materials to be present in the concrete in sufficient amounts to fully react – but no two slabs of concrete are ever the same.

If attempting to waterproof and create total impermeability, inconsistent results (plugging only some of the voids) will only create partial impermeability.

(See figure 3).

Illustration of water penetrating densified concrete.

Revolutionary new method

Protocol products with inner Crete™ membrane technology Impermeable internal and surface barrier


Each protocol product imparts all needed elements into the concrete for a complete reaction with consistent results in every application.

Illustration of concrete protected with inner Crete™ membrane technology. See figure 4.

Inner Crete™ fag’s

Protocol products are the innovative new line of eco-friendly chemical treatment products for a variety of concrete applications.

These products are broken into 4 categories; waterproofing and

general protection products, graffiti

products, remover products and corrosive materials protection products.

All waterproofing and general protection products are based on our proprietary inner Crete to membrane technology.

All other protocol products were developed as supplemental products to assist in proper surface preparation, cleaning etc.

-Protocol’s waterproofing products are different from internal densifiers / crystalline technology products because of the nature of the chemical reaction.

These other technologies “grow” soluble and insoluble crystals to plug voids and prevent water infiltration and migration throughout the substrate. These products provide inconsistent results as not every void is “plugged” so not all the water is stopped.

Over the long-term, it has also been proven that excessive insoluble crystal growth can actually cause cracking to occur.