LONZA     من اصل2 2

LONZA     من اصل2 2

NEWS\LONZA   2من اصل2

The reader has to determine the order himself/herself after checking the
presentation each company delivers to promote it sell   specially that most of
these companies are well-known edifices not only in Egypt, but in the
Middl6 East as well. As a matter for fact, most of them are globally
FUZED that seeks to cover all the needs of the construction sector, serves
it by providing one printed magazine to make an unrecorded leap in the
field of specialized mass media.
FUZED does all of that to recognize the effort of those who contributed in
improving the sector so as to present them to the readers in the best
presentable way that suits them and suit their worthy contributions. Thus,
they are presented as the BIG 5.
