Ludwig Mies van der   Rohe  

Ludwig Mies van der   Rohe  

NEWS\Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

A magnificent value can be added to the experience of the space user with minimal
interference from the architect, take the Dubai frame in Zabeel park for example, it
proposed a simple emblem instead of a massive building to convey a magnificent
concept i.e.; framing the city; introducing both the modern and old town of Dubai to the
park visitor. To become the structure that celebrates yet constrains the city.
Unspoken gifts of architecture:
Architects have long been inspired by nature. Evidence of its influence can be seen
throughout the ages, from the natural symbolism of Ancient Greek and Roman
architecture to the works of 20thcentury visionary Frank Lloyd Wright, who designed
buildings to complement the natural landscape.
Now, we know that design value is based on the idea that nature (i.e. all sorts of living
organisms, numerical laws etc.) can provide inspiration, functional clues and aesthetic
forms that architects and industrial designers should use as a basis for designs.