LUXOR IS BACK 3من اصل3

LUXOR IS BACK 3من اصل3

Decorations\LUXOR IS BACK3من اصل3

and the workshop even have meaning to be where
transparency and openness and understanding of the state of
from top to base to meet in spaces allowing change and
change and enable scientific research and young people for
the return of the soul and consciousness will ensure the
provision of a climate of understanding that allows to put a
floor to the objectives through dialogue participants
democracy scientific research , and the roof of the ambitions
based on realism and without specifying the floor and ceiling it
will continue to talk and effort without return or yield . The
workshop is the first step will be followed by steps and it is
important to be clear to the participants in the workshop that it
is the stage of an extended work and not investment projects
suggestions by sons of Luxor for participants from outside ,
rather than lectures and ideas from experts not associated
with the stage, and the current situation through which the
Luxor , but the goal through partnership that there will be
ideas development and sustainable discuss opportunities for
the province of Luxor, and that everyone is ready to open up
to participate with ideas and best practices that can be
through brainstorming and transparent access to the ideas
formulated and shaped by all the participants that can be
translated into projects and scenarlos work, the target
beginning step In career and is confident to reach the ·
humanbefore architecture and Worshiper before mosk, God
help us,