Material scattered


2من اصل2

  • Bedding-

    on the floor of a chicken coop to absorb moisture and manure. Commonly used are straw, hay, pine or other wood shavings or shredded paper, etc. also called (litter).

  • Biddy- affectionate word for a hen.
  • Bill- Upper and lower mandibles of waterfowl.
  • Bill out- The use of the beack to scoop feed out of a trough onto the floor.
  • Biosecurity- Disease Prevention Management.
  • Blastoderm- A fertilized true egg.
  • Balstodisc- A true egg that was not fertilized; also, the site of fertilization on the egg yolk.
  • Bleaching- the fading of color from the beack, shanks, and vent of a yellow-skinned laying hen.
  • Blood-Spot- Tiny red spot in a freshly laid egg caused by a ruptured blood vessel in the hen’s ovary usually during ovulation.
  • Bloom- The moist protective coating on a freshly laid egg that dries so fast you rarely see it; also, the peach condition of an exhibition bird.
  • Blowout- Vent damage caused by laying on a freshly laid egg that dries so fast you rarely see it; also the peack condition of an exhibition bird.
  • Blowout- Vent damage caused by laying on oversized egg. Also called prolapse.
  • Booster- Vaccination other than the first in a series.
  • Booted- Having feathers on the shanks and toes.
  • Botulism- a disease caused by the ingestion of a toxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium.
  • Break up – To discourage a hen from setting a nest.