Methadel (Oral Solution)


Composition: Sodium sulfamethazine

Indications: used in chickens and turkeys for the treatment of: 1- Intestinal and ceacal coccidiosis caused by several sp. of Eimeria. 2- Pullorum disease caused by Salmonella pullorum. 3- Fowel cholera caused by Pasteurella multocida. 4- Infectious coryza caused by Haemophilus paragallinarium. 5- Fowel typhoid caused by Salmonella gallinarium.

Dosage: Chickens & Turkeys: 400 ml METHADEL S/100 liter of drinking water for 2 days, then reduce dosage to 200 ml METHADEL S/100 liter of drinking water for 5 additional days and allow access to medicated water only.

Packaging: 400 & 800 ml in a plastic pack with outer label.

Producer/ Agent: Delta Pharma