MOEZ STREET 1من اصل3
Beauty, accuracy, diversity of architecture and decoration
“Moez Street ” .. 1000 years civilization witnessing the magnificence
of Egyptian architect
AI-Mu’izz Li-Dinillah Fatimid Street; one of the greatest sites which
includes Egyptian architectural creativity shining in the heart of
Islamic Egypt, is the largest open-air museum of Antiquities and
Islamic architecture in the world at AI- Azhar district, dating back to
969 AD since Fatimid Cairo is founded.
“Moez” Street begins a historic gate on the one side of Bob EI-
Shariya , “Fotouh door” which is in the middle of a fence surrounding
AI-Jamaliya n eighborhood, the street passes through areas of “EI-
Nahaseen” , “Khan el-Khalili” and “AI-Sagha” and Johar EI- Qaeed
(Moski), then crossed by AI-Azhar Street, continu i ng along the Moez
Street in the “Alghoria” “Alfahamin” and “zoqaq el- madaq” and
“Sokaria” to its end at the “ Bob Zuwayla” where “Tuman Boy ” was
hanged, becoming only the Egyptian street, which begins and ends
with a historic gate with extension of up to more than 1 000 meters.
This ancient place includes a collection of the most beautiful Islamic
monuments in the world the planning and architecture values with c
unique special elegance in terms of be our . accuracy, variation,
hugeness of architecture and decoration, and it is characterized not
only by the magnificent mosques, but else schools, cemeteries
hospitals. fountains, kuttab and palaces, Among those monuments
are those belong to the Fatimid era or what is attribu ted to the
Ayyubid and Mamluk eras, also the street i ncludes Circassian and
the Ottoman times’ monuments, the era of Muhammad ,A who also
left many of the architectures and antique buildings, such
monuments reple te with spirituality and beauty witnessing the
ma gnificence of the artist and Egyptian architecture.