Planning is the art of dealing with the future, and is a necessity to entities as much
as it is to individuals, whether it’s a family, a company, or even an entire country. The
planning process has hierarchical levels relevant to the scale and importance of entities
it deals with, the challenges it faces and the amount of ambition it camies. When it
deals with a whole country National Planning is the main frame that governs lower
planning levels starting from Regional Planning to Local Planning until reaching Site
Planning. In this context, it is important to note that the amount of details covered by
the plans are in a inverse correlation with its hierarchical level; Accordingly, National
Planning deals with broad guide lines, while plans becomes more specific and detailed
when dealing with lower planning levels. This concept provides the flexibility to deal
with specific contexts and locations, taking into consideration never to allow lower
planning levels to deviate out of the frame specified by higher planning levels. lf
deviation becomes a necessity, higher planning levels should be first modified to
become more responsive to the requirements of lower planning levels.
In such a context Planning should be addressed as a continuous dynamic process;
otherwise it would turn to be an obstacle and a curse instead of being the path to reach
specified goals. This implicates a continuous supervision from higher to lower planning
levels while preparing their plans in accordance to their specified guide lines.