EGYPT 1من اصل2
According to the United Nations, Egypt’s population has reached a hefty
93.3 million residents in July 2016. With an annual increase of 2.0 %,
Egypt is expected to join the list of countries exceeding 100 million
residents before 2020. Egypt will be the 14 th member on the list; joining
China, India,U ited States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh,
Russia, Mexico, Japan, Philippines and Ethiopia.
With a glance on the list, one can notice they are mostly countries with vast
natural resources and diversified economies. China, India, the United States
and Russia are the countries with the biggest land areas in the world, and
have huge natural resources that helped them be some of the biggest
economies in the world. Other countries like Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria,
Pakistan and the Philippines consist mainly of rainforests, and have very
good natural resources that allow an excellent potential for development and
self-sufficiency in many sectors. Countries like
Mexico and Ethiopia have relatively less rainfall, but
enjoy various river systems, forests, mountains, and lakes, beside other
sorts of natural resources. Population distribution is also pretty even in
these countries.
When Egypt enters the list, it will be the only country with 94% desert land
and very little rainfall around the year. It will also be the only country with
almost on the list with the vast majority of its population concentrated in
only 6% of its land area.
These circumstances make development in Egypt a very challenging one.
Therefore, it is absolutely essential to adopt sustainable development
schemes in order to save resources and use them in the best way possible.