Prof Ahmed Rashed 2من اصل2

Prof Ahmed Rashed 2من اصل2

Decorations\Prof Ahmed Rashed2من اصل2

third, 20% of the social reality and the team work’s scenario that was
associated with the participation of competition and understanding the green
building, and what can be new in the nature of the project in terms of human
challenges, sustainability and understanding of Egypt 2030 vision for
sustainable development, and what are the motives for selecting the
location of the building of the worship, beside the size and structure of the
mosque or church, the composition of the team which includes the role of
everyone in the team and the integration of expertise, disciplines and
different stages of age with the determination of the framework, with
mentioning the preparation of the green building report.
Fourth: 10% of the evaluation will be in the presentation of the idea, which
was held on March 7th, 2018 within the Green Heritage Conference. Each
idea had 5-7 minutes to be presented either through a film, an explanation or
PowerPoint with a voting system inline with the vision of the competition to
emergence a new democratic approach in the introduction, handling and
solutions in dealing seriously with the future and that the competition as a
means to achieve the goal of spreading the culture of sustainability and achieve
the vision of Egypt 2030 for sustainable development and confirm that we
have an approved Egyptian system (Green Pyramid) to evaluate the green
building and after that it won’t be allowed to deal with systems for
evaluation from outside the country and start in the future to give the
buildings, designs and projects certificates from Egypt.