The official delegation of projects and reviewed on the ideas presented
from the competition participants and listened to explanations adequately
about the vision and is the Contestants about ment creating new cities,
Cente research and ideas associated with the development of the axis that
can create a positive impact. Also minister Laila   Iskandar showed actual
delegation admiring the extreme level of ideas presented by the hope and
work participants and that they need to be and the new ideas stated of the
province axis Suez Canal and the importance their participation with the
state to build the future and deal with the actual Situation, also he stressed
the need to heed the state represented the hardware and the relevant
ministries of ideas and projects that posed architects keen on the future of
urbanization in this country.
Architect Dr. Ahmed Yahya   Rashed Director of the Center for
Sustainability and the future of British Studies at the university. Dr. Ahmed
Yahya   Rashedstarted with words to the participants as he thanks the
presence of the great and the interaction of young architects for the
Competition, ideas, vision and treatises advocated by and Dr. Ahmed talked
about nation-building, community participation and the need for concerted
efforts to build Egypt and achieve a
the  bulchrs of the future and how to
bullet the latere la tukang place and the need of man capable of chewng the
venabisance of home building as he also spoke about the vision of the
architects obout their community and the role they can make a it has been
involved in the construction process and about the
بمقر قاعة المؤتمرات بالمدينة العلمية – جامعة الأ زهر عقد في السادس من أ غسطس 2015
وعلى مدى يوم كامل فعليات الاحتفال ب إعلان نتائج مسابقة الأ مل والعمل تنمية إ نسان ومجتمعات
إقليم قناة السويس.