QUINA- JECT. (Injection)



Composition: Each 2.5 gm contains: Quinapyramine sulphate: 1.5 gm + Quinapyramine Chloride: 1.0 gm

Indications: Treatment and prophylaxis of Trypanosomes in camels, cattle, sheep, horses, mules, donkeys, elephant, pig, dogs & cats.

Dosage: By S.C.l.The medication is given as 10% solution.Recommended dose of the suspension is: 1ml /40 kg B.wt.The same dose can be repeated every 2-3 months for prevention of typanosomes.

Withdrawal time: Meat & Milk: – 21 days

Packaging: vial 2.5 gm

Producer / Agent: Adwia

