rafoxanide 7
rafoxanide 7


Composition: Each 100 ml contation: Rafoxanide: 7.5 gm.

Indications: eliminates adult liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica & Fasciola gigantica), round worms (haemonchus and bunostomum) in cattle and sheep, It is used also to control nasal bot fly (Oestrusovis) in sheep.

Dosage: By S/C injection only. Cattle: (1 ml Rafoxanide 7.5 % /10 kg body weight). *Sheep & Goats: (1 ml Rafoxanide 7.5 % / 25 kg body weight).

Packaging: 10, 30, 50, 100, 250 & 500 ml.

Producer / Agent: Arabcomed

