RENOLYTE Oral solution


renolyte oral solution
renolyte oral solution


Composition: Sorbitol Potassium citrate Magnesium sulphate Sodium diacid carbonate Propylene glycol

Indications: 1. for treatment of renal disorders; due to long term treatment of sulfonamides, infection with nephrosis-nephritis syndrome virus. 2.Toxicity and visceral gout. 3.Treatment of hepatic disorders due to any type of toxicity. 4,Addition of fat to the diet.

Dosage: Orally via drinking water. Poultry: 1 ml Renolyte per liter of drinking water for 3-5 days. Calves: 1 ml per 30 kg .wt. twice daily. Sheep & goat: 1 ml / 25 kg .wt. twice daily.

Producer / Agent: Guybro Chemical- Al Madar