practice and accumulative experience that will make you end up the owning
your gadgets, able to take the decision easily enables you to make
approaches among the various topics and sometimes dissonant ones, you
sometimes circumvent shapes and themes to create a state of compatibility
despite the difference, either by color, raw material, texture, rhythm or
shapes overlap with each other, then you are in a state of constant search
for unique personalized reach with its diversity, Normally, when some
designs a specific design whether in architecture or interior design or
furniture design works on repeating specific forms or decorative themes on
the same project or link between the elements and each other in order to
achieve unity and coherence and to emphasis on the project character,
which is considered one of the traditional methods which makes the
designer feels secured towards achieving the state of compatibility, while
lots of times this state recalls boredom, monotony and dullness as man’s
nature is to always look for variety and change, so the more you can
achieve this compatible diversity the longer your creativity lives, more than
you think because it opens the way for visions, ideas, perpetuates the
meanings of surprising and dazzling and the search for convergence, which
creates what we call the richness of diversity.