Tekla Structural Designer 2015 The Revolutionary Construction Software 4 From 6

Tekla Structural Designer 2015 The Revolutionary Construction Software 4 From 6

Tekla Structural Designer 2015 The Revolutionary Construction Software 4 From 6

Modeling an issue related to not been able to delete a grid line which appeared to have nothing attached to it, but actually had an associated empty frame attached.

The frame is now automatically deleted when nothing is defined within that frame.

Project OVE: Arup’s 170-meter-tall BIM man Project OVE, a virtual replication of the human anatomy, exemplifies the potential of Building Information Modeling.

What originally started as an internal project by Arup, known for its creative approach to building environments such as railway networks or gravity-defying skyscrapers, has now evolved into something far greater.

Arup wanted to capture best practice examples of Building Information Modeling’s (BIM’s) benefits to construction projects, and involved enthusiastic professionals from UK’s BIM community to push the industry forward and generate an appetite for change.

As a result, OVE was born.

Standing 170 meters tall on his full steel skeleton, OVE breathes, sweats, gets hungry and has a heart and brain. OVE’s hypothetical home town is Las Vegas and his size competes with Arup’s high-rise projects such as the Gherkin while the great pyramid of Giza barely touches his shoulder.

As a structure, OVE is a mixture of a commercial and a residential building with his legs containing apartments, torso holding offices and observation desks and head hosting the control center and the board room.

He is the embodiment of implementing BIM to construction projects with elaborate geometries, unorthodox design challenges and unique aesthetics.

For modeling accurately the highly complex steel structure that represents OVE’s full structural skeleton, Arup chose Tekla as they do with their construction projects.

OVE’s character was created with two main principles in mind.

Firstly, Arup wanted to keep the geometry as true to human anatomy as practically possible.
