the Architect who has revived 4من اصل4

the Architect who has revived 4من اصل4

ARCHITECTURE\the Architect who has revived4من اصل4

the old heritage with modern taste
Our architecture stems from our heritage
Ghaly got acquainted with Adam Hanin and Shadi Abdel Salam, who have a memorial moment
narrated by Ghaly saying: «We went one day to visit Step Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara and walked
around its internal part. Then, they asked me (what have you seen? «It is really something
impressive,» | replied. They repeated the question again and I do not know what to say, but they
criticized my silence and taught me on this day how I can see and understand anything instead of just
looking at it.» Ghaly explains that the pyramid of Saqqara is one of the strangest architectural
buildings he found out because the way of its structure was a surprise for all during the campaign
when he was selected to assess the state of the pyramid during its restoration. Ghaly has discovered
that the pyramid is made of vertically slanted walls not horizontal ones as everyone thought.