THE CLIEN 1من اصل2

THE CLIEN 1من اصل2

Decorations\THE CLIEN1من اصل2

Sometimes, clients bring in a clear idea or a name of a place they envision.
This time, a movie named two moon junction surfaced when we first met.
He talked about building a private cultural center centered around a coffee
shop and a gallery. A free spirited space, somewhat erotically charged like
the movie, a place full of festivity and relaxed atmosphere. The other
important criteria included providing two separate buildings, one for the
client, and the other for his younger brother. The budget was extremely
low, so from the start we decided to build simple boxes with some impact
The site is an hour drive up north near the city of llsan . It is a non-descript
place. where all kinds of buildings stand alongside each other without any
consideration for each other. industrial. residential and squatter town all
mixed up.
The diamond shaped site was divided into two sites accommodating two
simple boxes oriented to provide enough parking space and a passage way
between the two buildings.
The low budget and the movie two moon junction were two major
inspiration for the design. Each building has three floors that can be
accessed directly via individual staircases. by doing so,