Decorations\THE FIRST MESSAGE2من اصل5

then the war on terror began many areas which have turned into
battlefields, prompting many residents to the migration of Sinai to become a
repulsive region of the population, and there are estimates that from there
30-40 thousand employees asking for the transportation to and from their
jobs. In parallel, the Suez Canal project “Whether that was to raise the
efficiency of the fairway or the development of the region” would create
new jobs, be sure that the people of Sinai affected by the situation would
look for those opportunities in pursuit of the livelihood, and this is normal,
leading to the migration of the population, and thus become Sinai
depopulated and the center of terrorism, and here lies the danger. From this
clear point there is a need to create a parallel project for the development of
Sinai, without that carries in its early stages heavy burdens on the state
budget, achieving clear goals in attracting the investments to initiate the
subsequent stages of the development in the stability of the population.
Returning back to the competition, we find that both the two projects of the
winners of the first prize chose Sinai as an area of the study and the
interaction within the territory of the channel development, which createsa
positive impact awareness of the racers, and the arbitrators indicator, both
of the Main Committee or the experts which confirms the need for the
project and plan a strategy for the development in the Sinai area, there to
be in a form of parallel canal and an integrated project with a project of the
Suez Canal region, so as to avoid the side effects of the project while
maximizing the returns of it. The third message ‘Community empowerment