The Future of the Contemporary 7من اصل7

The Future of the Contemporary City 7من اصل7

OUR NEWS\The Future of the Contemporary City 7من اصل7

example from Holland and the hardiness of eliminating traffic signals when the
scientific applied studies showed that the best solution to solve traffic intersections
problem is to eliminate traffic lights and depend on the human’s keenness and desire in
concentration; because the value of others’ life means a lot to him.
One of the fascinating examples too is the Smart City belief in using technology in
demanding the switch from the virtual to the real, and keening on the physical presence
of the human in the DoubleSpace. Consider demonstrations case using Hologram
technique in front of the Spanish parliament demanding the authority-forbidden right of
demonstration. Here is a different smart because they used the new techniques to
demand the right of presence and belonging to the public space even in the objection
cases, demonstration, and the peaceful expression of opinion.
Concluding remarks
The previous analysis showed that the main characters of the Smart City in its
contemporary phase is the sustainability, the quality of life, and an integrated approach
appears in cities management as an integrated net not a group of individuality separate
sectors. And using information and communication technology isn’t just to improve the
performance of sectors like transportation, energy, and the urban safety, but its creative
using to achieve the communication, interaction, and integration between the society’s
sectors and its variable human components.
We won’t improve the quality of people’s life unless we integrate between the
technological and the social innovation. The formats of dealing with the city mentioned
in this article, which varied between the restoration of the tram in Sydney city, and the
flow of visitors to Venice city and the sale of food from windows in Helsinki and the
surrounding of car-parks with food cars in Portland, all of these clarify in front of us an
alternative truth about a different concept of the Smart City which is creative in its
simple acts for the sake of bigger goals.