The Magical STAIRS 1من   اصل2

The Magical STAIRS 1من   اصل2


Between yesterday and tomorrow, Interloop , by artist Chris Fox hangs
from Wynyard station ceiling, hovering above the escalators that travel
underground from York Street. The vast twisting accordion-shaped
sculpture reconfigures the heritage escalators that once stood there in a
stitched form. Suspended between two ends of the building, Interloop
measures more than fifty meters in length, weighs over five tonnes, and
weaves in 244 wooden treads and four combs from the original escalators.
Whilst paying homage to the past, it also, simultaneously, looks forward to
the future.
Artist Chris Fox commented : ”Connecting yesterday and tomorrow,
‘Interloop ‘ interrogates the conceptual and material boundaries between art
and architecture. It is a physical re-interpretation of the historic wooden-
stepped Wynyard escalators initially built in 1931, that re-purposes the
hardwood from the heritage treads of now-retired escalators, into a
sculpture weighing over five tonnes.”
Interloop resembles, in part, the original escalators: important for Fox is
creating an otherworldly space above people’s heads. The a rtwork explores
the idea that people are stationary on an escalator whilst also traveling,
allowing for a moment of pause that occurs mid-motion. The sculpture
resonates with people in this state, referencing all those journey s that have
passed and are now interlooping back.
A major milestone for Sydney and for Transport for NSW, who
commissioned the large-scale sculptural project, Interloop provides an
important legacy, helping to maintain and celebrate the hi storic identity of
the city, while also looking to its future.