The Silver Prize 2من اصل3

The Silver Prize 2من اصل3

Decorations\The Silver Prize 2من اصل3

2.Use LED or fluorescent lights unless incandescent lights are automatically
controlled to be on for just a few minutes each day.
3. Consider flood lights with combined photosensors and motion sensors in
the place of other security lighting options.
4. Make sure outdoor light fixtures have reflectors, deflectors, or covers to
make more efficient use of the light source and help reduce light pollution.
5. Use timers and other controls to turn decorative lighting on and off.
6. Use outdoor solar lighting where applicable.
water Efficiency
Tree of the Acorn
The tree of Cassia Mendoza
Neem tree
Enhance Ventilation Performance Renew the air inside the building to get
rid of air saturated with carbon dioxide or smoke and odors and provide
more oxygen
• Cooling the building in summer by removing hot internal air and
introducing less heat from the outside of the building, based on the elements
of disinformation and wind movement around the building.
• Provide the high costs necessary to purchase and operate air conditioning.
Contribute to environmental protection by reducing emissions from
increased energy consumption for cooling
Smoking Control
Care to provide the place to smoke alarm sensors and fire alarm in cases of
danger   and fire and are placed Aldambr and the design of air conditioning to
separate automatically to prevent the spread of fire and smoke to the rest of
the building The exchange of smoke to Munawar your emergency
regardless of smoke in the fire and emergency situations Work is dedicated
to the exchange of smoke in the windows of emergency It is separated
Designated Smoking from the rest of the building area to keep clean air
Thermal Comfort