The Silver Prize 3من اصل3

The Silver Prize 3من اصل3

Decorations\The Silver Prize  3من اصل3

The ideal thermal comfort for humans is at 24 ° C and 60% humidity
Factors Affected at the expense of Thermal Load:
Building Color: Dark color retains heat and light color does not retain heat
Form of the building: Customize the openings in the ceiling to exit the hot
air from the top
Insulation of building: thermal insulation of surfaces and facades helps to
reduce heat inside the building Building Material:
The manufactured material retains heat (bricks, concrete, reinforcing steel),
structural buildings Natural material does not retain heat Type of activity:
When designing, the type of activity within the building should be
considered Increase the movement of individuals within the vacuum …
Increase the resulting heat in the vacuum …. Increase the calculation of
thermal load
Lack of movement of individuals within the vacuum … Lack of heat
resulting in vacuum …. Lack of calculation of thermal load
Bedding Type:
Natural materials in mattresses do not retain heat (wood – wool)
Materials manufactured in mattresses retain heat (industrial fibers – glass –
omeital – aluminum
Solid Waste Management
1- quantity of waste expected during the year for one person (146000-
292000) gm (1 points)
2- we could be distributed on the layout (1 point)
3-we will reused all components of garbage for two purposes first waste
disposal, second utilization of waste compents , this phenomenon may
seem costly ,but they cheaper and more appropriate if we take into account
the preservation of human health and environment