The trading of “”roba   bicchia ” is a large portion of all market activities. Disused items

The trading of “”roba   bicchia ” is a large portion of all market activities. Disused items

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produced and dismissed by Consumerist societies are first collected and them staked in
areas of such dimensions to create mono-functional endives for future trading purposes
The selection process divides item in different categories: antiques, used Items that can
be re-used, and those that have now reached the end of their functional life. The space
that houses in trade of these objects is perhaps the true, ante- Iitteram , junkspace. The
“roba   blcchia ” represents for us an important metaphor of the anthropological-urban
condition of the contemporary world. It is an ancient form of recycling. It involves, In
different ways, all the layers of- the society. It is not only interesting because of its
social role; indeed, it is capable of gaining geographic value by determining the spatial
fruition of substantial areas of urban territory. In addition, it influences travelling
through to the city and the development of residential areas, it conquers and
reintroduces functions in abandoned areas, and it builds economies on the waste of the
Thinking of designing the space of the “urban market” means rethinking the role of free
space” within the dense morphological and social fabric of the city. It is a proposal that
aims at the upgrading and “governance” of large urban areas Allowing a “free use” that
contributes to a better living of contemporary metropolises.
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