Welcome Message

Welcome Message

In the past 30 years, Angel, with the mission of “developing biological technology and innovating healthy life” and the use of modern bio­technology, has expanded the application of the yeast to the fermented pasta (baking and Chinese pasta), food seasoning, biochemistry, human health and animal nutrition fields, etc. Angel has become a specialized corporation with the most product varieties and specifications.

In the past 30 years, Angel, sticking to its business philosophy: “people- oriented”, “market-centered”, “creating value for customers” and “maximizing shareholders’ value”, builds the “Angel” brand into a well- known trademark in China and an international reknowned brand.

In the past 30 years, Angel, with goal of becoming a “specialized international yeast company”, has formed its advantages in technology, market, brand, talent and management, and has become the largest yeast manufacturer in Asia, the third largest yeast manufacturer in the world and the fastest growing one among international yeast manufacturers.

Angel, with adherence to the spirit of “pursuing satisfaction but never being complacent”, has been consistent in its endeavors in innovation and improvement. It has achieved satisfaction from government at different levels, its consumers, employees, investors, and the society. Angel has earned good profits and a perfect public image with its high quality products and services.

We would like to sincerely thank our friends for their support of Angel’s development!

Yu Xuefeng



