What can you say about the Egyptian architecture from the Arab

What can you say about the Egyptian architecture from the Arab

INTERNATIONAL NEWS\What can you say about the Egyptian architecture from the Arab aspect and imitation of the west

aspect and imitation of the west?
Certainly, every country has its own environment, atmosphere and
character that require a special architecture, but within every country, there
is a variation of environmental and identity characteristics. Now, technology
has imposed itself, which certainly have damages over the environment, a
balance can be reached in its use for preserving the identity and character ,
as architecture is an image of the people and their history.
We always find the identity and character are closely related to the site, the
location and the type of building. For imitation of the west, it’s sad to say it
is not limited to architecture but it has become in Education, media and
other fields. So.  
we should pick the good, not all the west imitation is wrongful nor rightful,
but I hope that we imitate them in respecting the law and new management,
preserving the general benefit, taking consideration of public spaces, and
belonging and loving our country.
