What is your evaluation of the architectural engineering in Egypt?

What is your evaluation of the architectural engineering in Egypt?

INTERNATIONAL NEWS\What is your evaluation of the architectural engineering in Egypt

As any other science, the architectural education is based on three main
pillars: Instructor, Student and Educational Environment. It is basically
depends on the culture and awareness of student, as the community in
general and specially the youth, are suffering from a shortage in the cultural
level, this will be reflected of architecture’s students. If the architecture
education in Egypt has begun to be in harmony with the time’s
it is still in need for development, and here the role of instructor is
important as well as the educational institutions that need more efforts to be
in line with the social, economic and technological developments, one of   it’s
evident problems is the method of university admission and choosing the
major that do not depend on the student’s abilities and capacities in
primarily studying architecture.
There should be reconsideration in the numbers of governmental or private
universities to guarantee the quality of educational environment and it is
also necessary to reconsider accreditation of many architectural institutes.
