When Glamour meets Design من اصل2 2

When Glamour meets Design من اصل2 2

ARCHITECTURE\When Glamour meets Design  2من اصل2

Unfortunately we on this side of the planet are not that environmentally
conscience as in Europe or the United States, and myself as an Egyptian is
not an exception! Maybe that’s why I left out one of the strongest trends
that was evident, Environmentally friendly furniture.
John F Kennedy is quoted saying “The supreme reality of our time is… the
vulnerability of our planet.” Accordingly many companies chose to use
Certified wood, natural elements and even Eco friendly fabrics and fibers.
Ingenious designers have created out of all this attractive and appealing
pieces that are environmentally friendly damaging only your budgets!
Finally, being a retailer at those difficult economic times in our region, I
could not but be relieved to observe that the economic situation in Europe
and particularly Italy is also not at it’s optimum. This had a significant
reflection on the prices and the value of design furniture of many
distinguished manufacturers. More and more versatile, practical and
economically studied pieces were on display worthy of winning the best
design awards.
To me this was probably the most interesting Salone to date as the
optimism that was filling the air reflected what I have in my heart towards
the future.
