Work Hard & Be Proud of what you achieve

Work Hard & Be Proud of what you achieve


DAR Designs has done ft! Being the distinguished winner of African
Property Awards earlier this November, DAR Designs is now one step
closer to winning the global International Property Awards, which will make
this world class firm already operating in Dubai and Cairo, a fully
recognized global leader in the world housing market.
Beginning in the made-jos, The International Property Awards Is a highly
exclusive reward which distinguishes the best companies working within the
global housing market, in the first phase of the competition, awards are
divided into regions including Africa, Asia Pacific, Arabia, Canada,
Caribbean, Central & South America, Europe, UK, and USA. Finalist
companies that make into the next stage compete against each other for
The International Property Awards in their relative fields, including
Architecture, Interior Design, Real Estate, and Development. In addition to
the advantages of winning, companies competing as finalists will get to have
extra marketing, with a full presentation of their logo and services getting
exposure to some of the world’s most important payers and stakeholders in
the property market.