You leave school with great expectations من اصل2 2

You leave school with great expectations من اصل2 2

NEWS\You leave school with great expectations2من اصل2

Poverty-stricken beggars observe the vibrant city life that takes place in
chic restaurants, cafes and shops as if it were a moment on a movie set or
life size screen. A series of clashing screen shots of Cairo’s city life
bedazzle us and yet it is our daily reality in which we breathe, thrive and
achieve with a dark and spicy awareness.
Politicians failed Egypt. They failed us.
As a designer, I feel responsible to help induce change for the better; I
cannot just DREAM but must also act and get involved. Our contribution
must be visible, our participation felt and reflected in every Egyptian’s life.
People must be pulled out of their complacency and comfort zone and face
the UNDERGROUND which has merged with today’s reality. To remove
the people from their perceived reality and bring them face to face with
what really “IS” involves a conscious act and call for action.
As a designers, we don’t give life…. design is a representation of life.