دليل اللوحات الملونة 1 من اصل4

دليل اللوحات الملونة 1 من اصل4


دليل اللوحات الملونة 1 من اصل4
دليل اللوحات الملونة 1 من اصل4

{1} Congestion of the conjunctiva

{2} Mild anaemia: Pale & anaemia of conjunctiva

{3} Large ulcer & secondary miosis in the corneal surface due to septicemia

{4} Pink eye: in case of equine viral arteritis

{5} Tetanus: Prolapse of the third eyelid

{6} Vitamin A deficiency: severe lacrimation &blindness

{7} Oedema of the eyelids: in cases of viral arteritis

{8} Stromal abscess due to small corneal puncture with plant material

(the creamy white yellowish in the ventral part)

{9} Diffuse cortical cataract

{10} Large melting ulcer

{11} Iris prolapse

{12} Acute recurrent uveitis: severe conjunctiveal hyperaemic mucopurulant ocular discharge &diffuse corneal oedema

{13} Habronemia of the nasolacrimal duct

{14} Two thelizia larvae: on the corneal surface

{15} Thelizia lacrimalis: adult parasite in cornea

{16} Setaria digitata: fine grey white parasite in cornea

{17} Open abscess: in cases of strangles

{18} Dikkop: Cardiac from of African horse sickness (swelling of head, neck and conjunctiva)

{19} Dermatomycosis = Ring worm: heavy incrustation with minimal exudation

{20} Parotid duct obstruction: Swelling &discharge of saliva

{21} Cutaneous habronemiasis

{22} Streptococcal furunculosis: caused by S. equi & S. zooepidemicus

{23} Papillomatosis: inside ear skin

{24} Dermatophilosis = Ring worm

{25} Photosensitive dermatitis: sloughing of white area due to ingestion of Echium plants

{26} Poll evil: Inflammation & infection causing clear serosanguineous exudates (cream, yellow, & purulent discharge)

{27, 28, 29} Abscesses & submandibular lesions in cases of strangles

{30} Petechial haemorrhages: in cases of African horse sickness

{31} Mild anaemia with icterus

{32} Petechation: Petechial haemorrhages in cases of speticaemia during  African horse sickness

{33} Ecchymosis haemorrhages

{34} Profuse bloody frothy nasal discharge: in cases of pulmonary form of African horse sickness

{35} Arterial epistaxis: unilateral profuse red blood

{36} Frothy nasal discharge in cases of African horse sickness
