دليل اللوحات الملونة 2 من اصل4

دليل اللوحات الملونة 2 من اصل4

دليل اللوحات الملونة 2 من اصل4
دليل اللوحات الملونة 2 من اصل4


{ 99} Abnormal dorsal commissure of vulvular lips

{100} Tilting of vulvular lips (abnormal conformation)

{101} Old lesions of equine herpes virus type 3 at perineal area of mare

{102, 103} Vaginal discharge: mucopurulant & purulent in cases of vaginitis, endometritis & or pyometra or in cases of contagious equine metritis

{140} Exanthema: in cases of coital vulvular exanthema

{105} Female hermaphrodite: enlarged clitoral body & vestigial opening of vulval lips

{106} Pseudo –hermaphrodite : male horse with vestigial vulva & penis. It used  as a teaser

{107} Vaginal prolapse due to irritation caused by injury & vaginitis from stallion service

{108} Farcy: skin from of glanders

{109} Sporotrichosis caused by soil contamination with saprophyte sporothrix (non contagious disease)

{110} Ulcerative lymphangitis in cases of Corynebacterium equi above the hock of the leg

{111} Vesicles & ulcers in case of equine vesicular stomatitis

{112} Leg ulcerative lymphangitis: cord lymph vessels, ulcers & purulent discharge

{113} Chronic ulcerative lymphangitis: extensive fibrosis & distal oedema of the hind leg

{114} Necrotic tendonitis

{115} Haemorrhagic erosion, crusting & ulceration affecting the coronary band (pemphigus faliaceus)

{116} Subcutaneous mycosis (mycetoma): ulceration of skin & development of tissue granules (pyogranulomas)

{117} Capped hock (traumatic bursitis)

{118} Acute selenosis: separation of coronary band & slippering of the hoof

{119} Butttress foot = pyramidal disease = degenerative joint disease

{120} Capped elbow = shoe boil = Olecranon bursitis: wound & swelling over elbow from persistent shoe pressure during recumbency





