كيف تحصل على أفضل مساحة تجارية 2من اصل7
This might sound like a good deaf but you have to take into consideration that you
will have to construct, finish and air conditioning an extra 300 meters. You will find
extra space that will cost you more than you planned and you will not benefit
from. If the space area is smaller, especial . if it is a restaurant, everything will be
clustered and you will not have enough space to move.
Now that you have chosen the street, say you have two corners. To compare
btween them you have to think which one has better shops and location. Also,e
think of the traffic flow, to calculate: there Is something called “Decision logic &
Decision criteria.”
Decision logic is to see the visibility, accessibility, and capacity of each property
and then start grading them. When you choose the place, you have to have
some one who knows how to deal with district well to review the authorizations;
so that you do not choose a place then be left with incomplete papers. Next, you
talk to the owner of the place. The most import ant thing that you have to know
about before buying or renting is not saying you- company’s name because of the
“Nev. York strategy”, which means; if the owne r finds out that you are from a
big company he will raise the price.
When you ask your self ‘why am I taking this place?’ Here comes the decision
logic that is what has convinced you to take the place. Do not forget to think of
the place and its merits, shortcomings, the percentage of population overcrowding
in this area and the number of companies or banks that can come to your place.