مشروع الإحياء الحضري للمناطق التراثية بمدينة اعيلية4من اصل6

مشروع الإحياء الحضري للمناطق التراثية بمدينة الإسماعيلية4من اصل6

مشروع الإحياء الحضري للمناطق التراثية بمدينة الإسماعيلية4من اصل6

i was important to the development of the new designs and to take care oft
the ideas of the Egyptian designers in order to be the subject of a strong
competition in this area. Hence the recreational idea which used to
beinteractive during the workshops in the ceramics design a major role in
the development of the designer, the exchange of ideas, enrich and provide
an authentic and the modern designs away from the transport of the ideas
of others, creating that idea through many of the preparatory and the
interactive workshops in a number of specialized forums, for example, the
workshops for the design and the production of ceramics in fourth and fifth
international exhibition of ceramic sanitary ware, through the work of a
professional team and the selection of serious participants who provided a
new and a distinct results that deserves to be heeded by major specialized
in the production and the marketing of some ceramic companies, has
initiated some of the companies under the auspices of these specialized
workshops too much like the Ceramica Verdi and the Royal Ceramica ,
which turn contributed to the enrichment of the production of the
workshops and to encourage participants dramatically, and take part in
these workshops as a wide range of the different departments of the
faculties of arts, whether the students or the graduates either than to benefit
from the experience of others and a sense of the value of the Egyptian
designer and the open areas of work for human, and as a related idea
comes the own design ceramic competitions including new conceptual
design ideas and to encourage the designers to the permanent innovation
which pleased the Ceramica Royal initiative to establish a major annual
competition for
